Yuki Shiro: 0 Absolutes: The Night Parade Read online

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  Again and again, picking up speed, he powered into me, using the wedge of his cock to force my tight, quivering body open so he could plant himself into my very core. He was a relentless force, his low, guttural groans overpowering my whimpering cries, until he had me sobbing, begging…fucking begging! Me, he had me begging him to release me from the torment.

  Hot. Too fucking hot. I was burning from within, a conflagration threatening to leave me nothing more than ash and memory on the wind, and the baka-ryū was only stoking the flame hotter and hotter.

  My body was covered in sweat, I was near-mindless and couldn’t stop the words coming from my mouth, words I had no idea where the fuck they even came from!

  “Watashi wa anata o watashi ni shibarimasu, watashi wa anata no tamashī o watashi no tamashī ni shimasu. Watashi wa eien ni kita no ryū o anata ni watashi no tokoro ni shibaritsukemasu!”

  Magma boiled in my veins, melted away my flesh, and I realized I had fully transformed into my Yōkai-self, but my dragon kept fucking me. Harder, faster, deeper. Then, with a roar that shattered the window over the bed, he surged powerfully once, twice more, then as my consciousness fled, I felt him bury his fangs in my shoulder as pure, glorious heat filled my very core as his pulsating cock swelled and exploded within me.

  Chapter 19

  Yuki | Vilhelm’s Bedroom, Shadow Lake, CO | December 7, 2017

  I dreamed again.

  More accurately, I nightmared again.

  Yes, I knew that wasn’t really a word, but it was now. I just made it up. Add it to your dictionaries, because I had a bad feeling it was going to become a regular occurrence.

  Once more, I was in that empty place, where there was neither light nor dark. There was just emptiness all around me. I floated, suspended by nothing, but unable to move, weightless but fixed into place.

  Out of nothingness, he came.

  Bigger than even Vilhelm, he was cloaked entirely in shifting shadows, but he was built on a scale to make my Dragon seem small before him. Every slow step forward he took, the emptiness shuddered, trying to escape but, like me, unable to do anything but tremble before him.

  He was as much a beast as he was a man, his legs twisted like those of an animal, feet too large, arms nearly touching the ground as his thick shoulders hunched forward, weighed down by powerful arms thicker than my entire body as huge clawed hands scraped along the nothingness.

  As he, and it was obviously a he going by the obscenely huge organ and testicles swinging between his huge thighs, drew closer, I could see into the shadows that covered him, see the faces twisted in fear and pain, screaming soundlessly, struggling to escape but only able to claw and rend at each other, like victims caught in a tide, climbing over one another in their haste to escape the inevitable.

  There were no lights this time. Nothing except for him, me, and the emptiness.

  He came to a stop before me, an arm’s length away, yet my eyes were fixed on his chest, unable to look up into the void where his face should be. There, over the center of his chest, was a bottomless hole, where not even the twisted, shadowy faces dared to enter; the place where they feared they would end up, lost in eternal darkness.

  “Not yet.”

  His voice. Dark, sensuous, compelling, forbidden. My body seized, convulsing at the sound of his voice, a scream bubbling up from my chest as his clawed hand lifted and hovered over my own chest, over my heart, over the dimly flickering kamon over my heart.

  “But soon.”

  The world went black.


  Vilhelm | Vilhelm & Yuki’s Bedroom, Shadow Lake, CO | December 7, 2017

  I held my little mate as she slept, but I was not content. No, I was enraged, and only the feel of her heart beating, the sight of her chest moving, kept me from rampaging out of control. That, and the still tenuous bond that glowed as it wove its way between our souls.

  I could feel that she was trapped in her dreams by…something unfamiliar, and I did not often use that word. It was powerful, in its element, and some place I could not reach, even with all my magic and power.

  My strengths laid within the physical world, not the spiritual realms.

  My little mate was vulnerable, too vulnerable, particularly since she had yet to embrace her true nature.

  I stroked my hand slowly over her shoulder and down her left arm, tracing my fingers tenderly over the symbol that now lived within her skin. Finally, she had a proper dragon to mark her body, my draconic form forever inked into her skin as if painted by a delicate hand in inks that glistened with lifelike realism.

  It was my mark, my oath to her, made in the ancient ways of the Tuatha, just as her words had bound my soul to hers, my bite and my essence had tightly bound hers to mine. For eternity, we would be bound, in this life and in to any others. I would allow no one to take her from me, not even in her dreams.

  Yet, I could not help her.

  I was helpless.

  I did not like this feeling.

  Closing my eyes, I dug deep and sent out a thought.

  ‘Norns, you have blessed me with my Yuki, but I cannot protect her alone. I need help.’

  I only hoped they would help me.


  Yuki | Vilhelm’s Bedroom, Shadow Lake, CO | December 7, 2017

  I opened my eyes, breathing a silent prayer to the kami I had managed to actually wake up.

  I was warm. Comfortable. My body was languid and relaxed, despite my nightmare, and my forehead was nestled against a slowly rising and falling chest. Leaning my head back, I met the intense, glowing eyes of a dragon. Reflexively, I jerked back and barely managed to muffle a squeak of surprise when his arms tightened possessively around me.

  We were facing each other on our sides, curled up on his bed, with his brawny arms curled around me and a thick, and damned heavy, leg thrown over mine. His expression was fierce, a deep frown turning down his lips and furrowing his smooth brow, but a look of relief melted his fierceness as he rolled over on to his back and hugged me against his chest.

  With his face buried in my hair, he groaned, “You were lost to me, my little mate, but you have found your way back.”

  My hands tightened on his biceps as I swallowed. The nightmare was fading, leaving nothing behind but a faint feeling of unease. Rubbing my cheek against his chest, I murmured, “It’s okay, I’m awake.” I blinked and squirmed, particularly from the unpleasant ache between my thighs. “But I’m a bit sore…and sticky. Very, very sticky.”


  His laugh was strange, a strangled groan combined with a chuckle as he used only the muscles in his abdomen to lift us both into an upright sitting position. Fuck, he was strong! Shifting me in his lap, one hand continued to slowly stroke over my left arm while he pressed a long, lingering kiss to my forehead.

  “Then you should shower,” he said, his deep voice rumbling pleasantly through his chest and into my body. “I will go get something started for breakfast.”

  Reluctantly, he let me scoot off his lap, but as certain biological imperatives were making themselves known, I darted to the bathroom without a backward glance.

  After relieving myself of necessities, and yes, even monsters have biological needs—if we drink, we piss, if we eat, we shit, as my mother liked to say…oh shit, I needed to call my mother!

  I tore out of the bathroom to find Vilhelm had already disappeared downstairs. I scrambled to find my phone, finally finding it set neatly on the bedside table.

  Fuck! Twenty missed calls. Over a hundred missed messages. Fuckity, fuck, fuck, fuck!

  I tried calling my mom, but it went instantly to voicemail. I then tried both my aunts, the same thing happened. With abject terror and utmost trepidation, I tried my grandmother. Nope, unavailable.

  That was a bad sign.

  A very bad sign.

  Collapsing back on the bed, I scrolled through my messages. They were all from my girls, letting me know they had booked flights and were already on their
way to Denver for back-up, but it was the last message I received from Miki that had me shutting my eyes in abject misery.


  Hunting for the medallion, I found it buried beneath the ruined t-shirt I had been wearing the night before.

  “Masa! Oide! Now!”

  A smug looking snow-white akita appeared, her tail wagging eagerly and her muzzle parted in a dumb doggy grin.

  Pointing to the ground, I bit out, “Osuwari!”

  She sat, her smug expression turning into a pout.

  ‘I don’t know what you are so upset about! I found the source of your tag,’ she huffed, tilting her jaw at an imperious angle a feline would envy.

  Through gritted teeth, I managed to get out, “What did you tell my family?” I’d get back to the tagging later, this was important.

  ‘Oh! Just that you found a mate, he’s a dragon, and that you’ve managed to piss off an entire pantheon of beings just by stepping foot into Denver, apparently! Oh! And that you also seem to have drawn the attention of a horny tomcat and some creepy spider.’ She paused, tilting her head to the side, ‘I think that was it.’

  I clenched my eyes shut. I already knew the answer to the next question, but I had to ask anyway, because maybe the Fates would go easy on me for once. “And how did they respond?”

  ‘They booked a transport flight and loaded it up. I do think your mother talked your grandmother into leaving the Hitomarushikisensha behind, though I can’t be certain of that. You know your grandmother.’

  A tank. My grandmother wanted to bring her tank to America. Only my fucking family.

  “And where are they now?”

  ‘Currently, I believe their flight is somewhere over the North Pacific.’ She snarled in disgust, ‘But they didn’t bring one of my totems with them, so I can’t be positively sure where they are.’

  Is it just me, or is Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries being played in Gagaku fashion over loudspeakers? Nope? Just me. And yes, I do know at least that classical song and composer! Mostly because it’d been used in a few anime.

  With a frustrated sigh of resignation, I waved a dismissive hand, “Fine, whatever. I’ll just deal with it when they get here. I need a shower and breakfast. Go play or something.”

  ‘What about the tagging?’ Masa asked, although I noticed she had already embraced flesh and was eagerly heading down the stairs.

  “LATER!” I called out and headed into the shower.

  ‘Nice tattoo, by the way!’ Her laughing bark echoed in my mind as I stared at myself in the mirror.

  Another tattoo.

  Another one.

  At this rate, I was going to look like a yakuza, or even worse, like my mom!

  Okay, initial hysteria out of the way, the tattoo was beautiful. Curling protectively over my left shoulder was a dragon, as if it had been painted by a master sumi-e painter, only in iridescent white and silvers instead of blacks and grays. It stood out starkly against my warmer “human” skin tone, and was obviously Vilhelm in his true form, given the way the wings curled around my shoulder, his long, sinuous tail wrapping down my arm to curl around my wrist, while his head rested on my left breast—because of course it did. Even his tattoo was a guy.

  Speaking of being a guy, I think some of his maleness was oozing down my inner thighs, so it was past time for a shower.


  Vilhelm | Vilhelm & Yuki’s Temporary Lair, Shadow Lake, CO | December 7, 2017

  I overheard the conversation my little mate carried on with her ghost-dog companion, but as they were discussing her family, who were apparently on their way to the New World, I said nothing.

  Instead, I watched as Masa trotted down the stairs, headed straight for the door, then pranced straight through the door, to disappear out into the forest beyond.

  Dogs. Strange creatures.

  I pulled out a few packs of bacon, a tray of eggs, and eyed the pantry dubiously as I decided what I should make to fuel my little mate’s tiny body. She was too tiny. She needed some meat on her bones to help her retain more heat, I decided to help her with that.

  A cool, ethereal shiver traced down my spine, and I grinned. I could feel her tracing the tattoo on her arm and it sent a surge of pleasure through me that caused my cock to harden. Again. Not that it had been fully dormant since I had first caught her scent just days ago. Looking down, I let my eyes trace the tattoo, the oathmark, that likewise covered the entirety of the left side of my chest and down my left arm;

  Setting the ingredients I gathered on the counter, an altogether different sensation flooded my senses; a warning. Unknown, unwanted, and soon-to-be-incinerated, guests were encroaching upon our lair.

  Cracking my neck, rolling my shoulders, I stalked to the door, ready to protect my little mate. Throwing the portal open, I allowed my jaw to unhinge, my scales to surge forth from my flesh as I prepared to properly greet the interlopers.

  “Dude, you’re gonna put someone’s eye out with that thing!”

  I blinked and looked down.

  Standing on the porch was four women, all of obvious Asian descent, much like my little mate, although they could not have been more different from each other and from her.

  I shut my gaping maw and quirked an inquisitive brow.

  The one who had spoken was about the same size as my Yuki, but she wore an oversized hooded sweatshirt that swallowed most of her body, the hood thrown back to reveal short, spikey blue hair and an impish grin as she boldly eyed my nude body. Her nose had a ring through it, while both of her ears were lined with multiple rings as well. She had a backpack thrown over her shoulder that was furry and egg-shaped, shaped to resemble some strange creature; most likely, the same one on her sweatshirt that was standing beneath an umbrella clearly too small for such a large beast.

  Speaking quietly on a cell phone, another young woman held up a finger for me to wait when my eyes turned toward her. Her long, midnight dark hair fell in straight, glistening lines down to the small of her back, and she was dressed for a night out, in a halter top shirt beneath a leather jacket and black leather pants that were indecently snug on her lower body. She wore high-heeled boots that most likely put her at a respectable height, although she wasn’t quite as tall as the woman beside her.

  The third woman, glaring at me through a pair of spectacles, was tall and slender, dressed in what passed today for armor—a business suit in crisp white linen. Her hair was perfectly coifed, pulled back into a neat bun, and her intelligent eyes appraised me through a pair of spectacles much as I would look upon an insect. It was not very flattering. She obviously did not realize she was gazing upon a dragon.

  I was about to correct her of her misconceptions when a third woman waved her hand in front of my face. “Hello, Mister Dragon Sir,” she said in carefully enunciated and heavily accented English. This woman had a friendly smile, what I could see of it over the scarf wrapped around her head. She was dressed for heavy winter, with a fuzzy hat over her shoulder-length black hair, a bulky snow jacket, leggings, and even heavy boots.

  It wasn’t even freezing outside, yet she was dressed for subzero temperatures.

  “We are here to see Yuki-chan,” she continued in that slow, careful voice. It was like she was speaking to a child.

  I sighed.

  In Japanese, I asked, “Who are you?”

  They all blinked at me in surprise. It was their turn to stand there and gape at me. About time.

  “My Yuki is currently upstairs taking a shower. I assume you are her family?”

  The short one, with the blue-dyed hair shook her head emphatically. “Oh, no! You’ll know when they find her, there’d be all sorts of explosions, a blizzard or two, and lots of screaming.”

  I felt my other brow raise at that.

  The friendly, if slow-witted one, picked up, still speaking in that clearly enunciated, slow English, “We are her friends. We are here to help her.”

  Maybe t
he Norns had answered my silent request. Maybe I should have been more clear.

  With a sigh, I waved them inside, “I am preparing breakfast for my Yuki. I will prepare food for you, as it seems you have traveled a long way.” I had not missed the rental vehicle parked in the driveway, nor the fact it was heavily-weighted down with luggage. “If she vouches for you, I will not kill you.”

  They looked at each other.

  I ignored their muffled laughter as they filed passed me. I was about to close the door when Masa came trotting back, having apparently taken care of whatever business a ghost-dog needed to take care of outside, and let her back in before I turned to face five sets of eyes fixated on where my ass had been.

  Now they were once more fixated on my cock.

  Pointing up, I said, “My eyes are up here.”

  They nodded, but didn’t look up.

  I sighed and went back into the kitchen, slipping on another apron, because bacon grease could sting even a dragon’s tender bits.

  “My Yuki will be down shortly,” I said. I hoped.

  Chapter 20

  Yuki | Vilhelm’s Bedroom, Shadow Lake, CO | December 7, 2017

  I could live in Vilhelm’s shower, I really could. It wasn’t much smaller than my apartment back in Tokyo, though it came with a dragon who apparently liked to mark his territory with bites and tattoos. Hm.

  If I didn’t know better, I thought to myself, I’d think I was actually living one of those anime instead of just providing voice acting.

  That reminded me, I probably should check into a local recording studio to see if they had any space available so I could stay caught up on work.

  Stepping out of the shower, I was once more reminded I had no clean clothing, which, of course, prompted rummaging through Vilhelm’s unpacked bags for another t-shirt. My panties were a lost cause. Vilhelm had managed to get them off of me without me noticing; I was just thankful he hadn’t snapped them like he had shredded the t-shirt. I had them soaking in the sink and had likewise cleaned the silk bustier and had it air-drying, as well.